We are so excited to kick off our cute fall Mum sale on 8/29! Look for info in your student’s folders, and check out this video: Hopkins Harvest Mum Buddies
Thank you for your support!
We are so excited to kick off our cute fall Mum sale on 8/29! Look for info in your student’s folders, and check out this video: Hopkins Harvest Mum Buddies
Thank you for your support!
We have teamed up with 1st Place Spiritwear again this year to offer a wide range of options! Click the links below to find 100s of different designs to show off your Hopkins Hornets and Mentor Cardinals school spirit!
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for sales from 1st Place Spiritwear! Right now, until September 8th, take advantage of the Back to School Sale with 30% off!
Please join us! The price of membership is only $5! This amount will cover the costs of your membership that are required of us by Ohio & National PTA, both of which constantly advocate for our children at the state and national level through lobbying for our public schools, our teachers, and most importantly, our children and families. We appreciate your membership, as this information will allow us to keep in touch with you and keep you updated on PTA happenings.
If able, a donation to the PTA would be greatly appreciated and utilized to help support our students and staff, and enable us to provide fun family friendly events throughout the school year. Donations also allow us to fundraise less, and spend more time and energy on enrichment and fun! Thank you for donating, we really appreciate you!
We are very excited for our coziest spirit sale ever! These fun blankets will be perfect for sporting events, fall evenings, and all year round Ohio weather! These 60″x70″ blankets are made from 100% Soft Polyester Microplush Fleece. Full color design on one side featuring red, black and shades of grey with the Mentor Cardinal mascot and text. Reverse side of blanket is plain white. See photos attached for full visual of design.
Each blanket is $25, and profits will benefit Hopkins PTA and the many fun things we have planned this upcoming school year! We have a limited amount in stock NOW, and they will be sold first come first serve. If there’s a lot of interest, we will order another batch as well.
Delivery options:
-All orders will be delivered to your student at Hopkins, so please enter the name, teacher and grade of that student when ordering.
-Don’t have a Hopkins student and would still like to order? No worries. You can pick up your blanket from our PTA president in Concord. We will not be shipping orders, but if you’re in the Mentor school district and would like your blanket order to be delivered, you will be able to pay a $5 donation for your order for delivery.
Have questions? Please contact us at hopkinspta@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!
All volunteers for the 2023-2024 school year must be fingerprinted prior to volunteering at events.
A new background check must be submitted each school year prior to volunteering. Background checks are run at the Mentor Board of Education building (Door 1) – 6451 Center Street, Mentor, OH 44060 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30am-4:30pm. Walk ins are welcome (no appointment required), you MUST bring your photo ID to run the background check.
Going in and getting fingerprinted takes less than five minutes, but the turnaround time of the check can take weeks: please consider going sooner than later!
Teacher and Staff Appreciation week is coming up May 8th-12th.We have a fun week planned with special treats, catered lunch, and surprises for our amazing Hopkins staff! Please send in the “postcard” sent home with your student by 5/3 so we can use it to decorate the school. The flyer is attached if you would like to send an extra in!
If you would like to donate to add more treats and fun to the week, you can do so here: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/hopkins-teacher-staff-appreciation-week
We appreciate your help in making this a great week for our deserving staff!
Hopkins PTA
We are excited to show our wonderful teachers and staff a fun week at Hopkins! If you would like to donate towards the week, you can do so here: my.cheddarup.com/c/hopkins-teacher-staff-appreciation-week
If you need an extra “postcard” to send in for a teacher or staff member, you can find one and print at home here: Postcard flyer
Mr. Heath, our new superintendent, will be joining us at our upcoming PTA meeting on Wednesday, April 12th to discuss class sizes, number of classes per grade, and other topics at our school and district. We are hoping you can join us for this meeting at 6:30 pm in the Hopkins Library. Childcare will be available!
Please click on the link below to sign up for Bowling Bash:
Please click on the Cheddar Up link below to sign up for the Spring Fling:https://hopkins-spring-fling-dance.cheddarup.com/
If you would like to donate a store bought dessert for the dance, please sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f49a4a822aaf9c43-spring#/
HoHoHopkins Santa Shop will be December 12th though the 15th. Students will have the opportunity to shop with their class during school hours and purchase holiday gifts for family, friends, teachers, and pets too! Interested in volunteering? Please click on the link below:
New this year to Santa Shop is E Wallet. You can add money online for your student to shop with at Santa Shop! Please click on the link below:
Save 20% on every single item in the store and get free shipping on orders over $75 during the Mentor – For Hopkins Elementary Use holiday sale!
Our new Family Designs line features 10 new graphics that can be customized for Mom, Dad, Parent, Grandma, Grandpa, Grandparent, Sister, Brother, Aunt, Uncle, Teacher, Coach and Alumni!
All orders placed in November are GUARANTEED delivery before the holidays or it’s FREE. Current production times are less than 1 week! Shop Now.
Raising Cane’s Dine to Donate is Monday 11/21 from 3-10pm. Please mention Hopkins Elementary or Hopkins PTA to have 15% of the orders donated back to the school.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Hopkins! Please pick ONE slot to sign up for.
Join us for a virtual paint night with our very own Mrs. B on Tuesday, November 15th from 7-8 pm! REGISTER ONLINE BY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9th by visiting All supplies will be sent home with your student the day before the event.